Saturday, October 24, 2015

October 2015

Actually its October 24

I'm still working on the hull.  It is very repetitive and not very exciting.  It is very reminiscent of cutting the many notches for the longitudinals except more repetitive and considerably more work.  I'm not posting very often because my progress is not very interesting, at least it doesn't seem that interesting.  I do get excited finishing a layer and try to post when this happens.  Surprisingly, I'm able to keep myself  motivated.  I think that I made peace with the fact that this project is going to happen at its own pace.  All I have to do is work steady.  Still, sometimes it's hard to get to the shop but for the most part I feel good after a days work or even a half days work.  Occasionally,  I start working and know right away that that day is not a day to work on the boat.  If I'm impatient or frustrated, I know all I'm going to do is make mistakes that will cost me more time so I put my tools away and try again another day.   Today I had a good day.  I installed the three strips that I had and prepped four more for the next work session.  A half days work but I installed everything I had prepared.

October 25

And another nice day today.  Three of the four strips I prepared yesterday were installed.  I'm now down to smaller length strips at the stern so I made shorter length strips from waste pieces to finish out the stern section.  This part should go quickly but I may not get a chance to work much for the next few weeks.  This weekend is Halloween and my wife and I are traveling south to see her father Saturday for his famous Halloween party.  Sunday I am helping a friend install some hardwood flooring for a little very much needed extra cash (Is this a good time to plug that "Donate now" button).  Yeah, I know, we are all short of cash these days.  I'll pick this up in a few weeks.

October 31

Plans changed.  Spent Friday in the emergency room because my wife had a severe pain in her side.  Our doctor was not in on Friday so we went to what we call 'A doc in the box'.  These are emergency care clinics that are popping up all over the place.  They are pretty good if you have a broken bone or need to be stitched up (and have insurance) but they can't do a lot else.  The doctor told her to go immediately to the emergency room.  We did.  It took us 8 hours to see a doctor and two more to get the tests he ordered.  2 hours later (total of 10 hours), he diagnosed her with endometriosis.  She was sent home with enough pain medication for the weekend and told that we should contact her gynecologist.  She is staying medicated over the weekend and I worked on the boat today.  I still have to do that small job for the friend tomorrow but today I installed all the shorter strips and made the last one needed with a few more long ones.  I'm now out of epoxy hardner so I need to take a break until I can buy some more.  Broke at the moment but since I'm about to go out of town I'm not too worried.  Maybe I'll be able to buy some on the next paycheck.

And as I left you before, I'll pick this up in a few weeks.

Happy Halloween!

Follow up on Laura:
Well, it was not endometriosis.  Might be gut related.  At least she won't need surgery.

December 4

Follow up on Laura:

She has a clean bill of health from the gut doctor.  He suspects that something may be causing spasms and suggests a higher fiber diet.

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